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About Us

The Darrell Thomas Foundation was started in memory of Darrell Nathaniel Thomas. On Monday, October 8, 2018, Darrell had just completed basketball tryouts for a team that he was looking to join. After tryouts, Darrell complained of stomach pains to his father and on the ride home he became unresponsive. He later passed away in the hospital. The autopsy revealed that he died from Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, a disease in which heart muscles become abnormally thick. The thickened heart muscle make it harder for the heart to pump blood, causing cardiac arrest.

Darrell was a very active young man, playing both football and basketball since he was 5 years old. Like all school age children, Darrell completed his required annual physical exams and was always approved to play. His parents assumed him to be perfectly happy and healthy. Although, Darrell mentioned common symptoms that could be associated with many different diagnosis, his parents never knew to inquire about an screening of his heart. A cardiac evaluation was never mentioned by an pediatrician, this consequently left him undiagnosed and ultimately resulted in the end of his promising life.

Through community events, awareness campaigns, seminars and speaking engagements we are dedicated to making sure that no other parent has to bury a child due to the No. 1 Killer of our young athletes!

In honor of Darrell, the Darrell Thomas Foundation will host an annual “Ball Hard Basketball Shoot Out ”. This event will be used as an tool to educate our community on CVD as well as a celebration of his passion and the one thing Darrell loved most, basketball! The Shoot Out, will pin the BEST boys and girls teams in St. Louis, against one another. These teams will compete for the ultimate bragging rights and gain awareness about cardiovascular disease in the process!

Other Programs Donations Fund:

  • Ball Hard Scholarships

  • Annual Back To School Drive ( with on site professionals raising awareness)

  • Free Monthly CPR Educational Classes

  • Free EKG Screenings For Young Athletes

  • Legislative Advocacy for Heart Screenings To Be Included In Physical Exams

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“He will always be remembered for his infectious smile and fun, competitive spirit”

Zeina Sparks, Mother